Oroligheterna i Egypten….

Kopter i Alexandria protesterar. Bild från Aljazeera.

Protester i Egypten efter bombdådet riktat mot kristna

Hundreds of members of Egypt’s large Christian minority protested in Cairo and Alexandria, the northern city where the presumed suicide bomber detonated a device outside a church during a midnight service.”

Jag håller med demonstranterna om deras krav att säkerhetsansvariga ska avgå efter dådet

”The demonstrators demanded the resignation of Egypt’s minister of the interior (roughly analogous to US head of Homeland Security), as a matter of accountability, since his ministry should have prevented Saturday’s bombing.”

Angry Arab har en intressant teori om vem som ligger bakom dådet

I would not put it past the Mubarak regime that it wants to plot a deterioration of the security situation as a necessary context for the coronation of Jamal Mubarak.  They want to subjugate and intimidate people first.”

Världspolitikens skitsnackare nummer ett försöker dra nytta av situationen

The perpetrators of this attack clearly aimed at devout Christians, and have no respect for human life and dignity.”

Åh verkligen? Var fanns dina bekymmer för människoliv vid detta tillfälle?

Afghanistan-based US predators carried out a record number of 12 deadly missile strikes in the tribal areas of Pakistan in January 2010, of which 10 went wrong and failed to hit their targets, killing 123 innocent Pakistanis.”

Sist ger Egyptian Chronicles oss ett antal anledningar till varför israel,  förutom Al Qaeda och regimen i Egypten, skulle kunnat genomföra dådet

The statements of Aviv  Kohavi that Israel since 1979 managed to destabilize Egypt especially from sectarian level that any president after Mubarak will be able to stabilize Egypt.According to their own point of view”

Tydligen har israel försökt något liknande innan också

”This would not be the first time Israel would launch a covert operations to destabilize Egypt , we got the Lavon affair as a real live example.”

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